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Careers at English 4 Life English Language Schools in Mexico City
Seeking Director of Recruitment for our English language school in Mexico City

Job Description: 

We are seeking to place 3 full time recruitment/sales professionals to contact and meet with companies in and around Mexico City and also network with individuals to recruit new students for our English Language Classes and Specialty Courses. This will involve contacting companies to offer them our services and set meetings to be able to present our services face to face with the decision makers. You will be accompanied by our Director of Academics for these face to face meetings and be trained in presenting our school and services over your first 3 month training period. This is a position for a professional sales/recruitment specialist.

Advancement Opportunity: 

After a 3 month training period, we will be offering a position to one sales/recruitment agent as Director of Sales/Recruitment to manage the sales/recruitment agents.


Must be aggressive, have high energy, have a professional attitude and appearance, 100% bilingual (English and Spanish), have experience and portfolio of working with and getting meetings with companies within Mexico City. Knowledge of using social media for sales and recruitment purposes.

Salary and Benefits: 

Commissions paid as a percent of net revenue from each company contracted for our services and/or each individual new student signed for our English classes and/or specialty courses. There will be a 3 month training period after which proving your abilities you will be offered a substantial salary plus commissions plus all benefits.

How to apply: 

If interested, please direct your email to Ricci Moore, Director of Academics,  and send your CV to or call 55 6089 6770 for interview. Add Director of Sales/Recruitment in the subject line of the email.

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